The use of interim management has proven its worth in the following areas, among others:
Establishment of controlling structures in the company through implementation of strategic, operative controlling instruments:
- Deviation analyses (target-performance comparison)
- Key figure matrix
- Profitability analyses
- Cash flow analyses
- Investitionsanalysen
- Cost accounting
- Model calculations (alternative scenarios)
- Liquidity planning (short and long term)
- Projections (Forecasts)
- Budgeting
- Business plan
- Balanced Scorecard
Change management in the company's finance department during integration into an international group of companies:
- Reporting to the parent company
- Financial statements according to international accounting standards IFRS, US GAAP
- Rolling forecasts
- Budgeting process
Implementation of financial IT systems:
- Implementation of IT systems for financial accounting, cost accounting, planning, reporting
- Analysis of existing processes and systems with regard to optimisation potentials
- Technological Approach :“are the IT systems used that are appropriate for the company?“
- Analysis and evaluation of the current IT system. If necessary, the conceptual design of a suitable IT system according to the type and size of the company and taking into account specific requirements.